Tumblr Post №723034638321319936

A collection from tumblr

This page was made automatically with my tumblr web scraping script. It doesn't support tag rambles, CSS lightboxes and image alt texts yet. Also, be careful scrolling this page too fast, especially of you're on a limited data plan! All the images are included in full resolution, and in total might add up to about 100MB of traffic.

Accessibility settings (WIP)

(look mum no javascript!!)

i've implemented formatted text for my little tumblr mirroring page!

i also made an optimal mode to turn off all the formatting, because i thought it looked cleaner without them. partially inspired by the [pt: formatted text. end pt] things @dead-immortal does

that checkbox is all css, and doesn't use a single line of javascript. my whole site is js free!... so far...

I love how you can write like 250 lines of code for fun, while the biggest thing I have ever done is only twice that(it is pretty mathy code tho)

I've written libraries that are thousands of lines of code long spread over like 30 files

250 lines is barely anything lol

no idea how you can write so many libraries, without like an actual project to use them. for me all that abstraction feels very quagmire-y

i wanted to make a Virtual File System library like a month ago, and it didn't get anywhere. but if i do a word count, it's already 800 lines long!! how?.. that's just a bunch of boilerplate code, that barely does anything 0_0

it depends on what exactly I'm writing, but I tend to write libraries that either have an immediate use for me, or that I think I will have a use for later

here are some examples of large things I've written:

  1. my nixos configuration: 1176 lines of code
  2. my emacs config: 684 lines of code
  3. linear algebra library (I wrote this because I wanted to write something that needed a matrix type, and the language I was using didn't have a good one): 3433 lines of code
  4. optics library (I just wrote this because I thought it would be fun): 4897 lines of code
  5. univalent foundations mathematics library (this is a fork, so only like a quarter of these lines were actually written by me): 41726 lines of code

wow that's so cool!

i'm now inspired to make my own list

  1. website builder (2022; C) -- 1468 lines of code, 4 files and 8 scripts with 902 lines more code
  2. shell scripts (2020; mostly bash) -- 2187 lines of code over 66 unrelated files
  3. VFS library (2023; C; very unfinished) -- 825 lines of code and 4 files
  4. vk/tg bot collection (2020; C) -- 3704 lines of code and 14 files
  5. graphics hello world collection (2021; C) -- 3044 lines of code in 23 unrelated files
  6. extended C preprocessor (2023; C; school thesis) -- 2914 lines of code and 7 files
  7. screenshot editor (2021; C; school project) -- 3542 lines and 18 files
  8. polyhedron renderer (2017; js) -- 2286 lines of code, 9 files and 2 separate versions (made from scratch)
  9. asm and "c" compiler for fake cpu (2017; nodejs) -- 1047+1335+4433+2552=9367 lines, 29 files and 4 attempts (the 3rd attempt even worked enough for me to write a working snake game in that "c")
  10. tetris (2017; js) -- 1011 lines of code and 5 files
  11. terminal minesweeper (2018; nodejs) -- 1791 lines of code and 8 files
  12. no OS snake game (2019; pure C) -- 632 lines for the game and 729 more of boilerplate i stole from somewhere else

*C projects do not count header files as files, but do count the lines in them **the years mentioned are the starts of projects. some of them last like 3 years tho ***this is by no means a complete list

it's easier for me to write programs by mitosis of the main function, and not by first guessing what kind of library i will need later.

feel free to ask me stuff about each project!!

@brightgreendandelions The Minesweeper intrigues me. How exactly does one go about coding something like that, and is there a way I could play it? I know that some versions have safeties in place to prevent 50/50’s. How would that work?

it looked something like this. the orange box is my cursor, and it moves with the mouse.

the code depended on a wired nodejs library to read mouse moments, so it no longer works with newer versions of node... luckily it came with an old version included... the mouse calculations are a bit off, and i had to turn off Display Scaling in windows! also the sound doesn't work.

i wanted to remake this in C some time ago, with the actual proper escape sequences for mouse interactions, but never got around to it.

regarding the 50/50 thing i didn't do anything at all! i think you can even lose on your first move!!

it's written in nodejs, so playing it on your own will be a bit difficult. i can't just upload the code to my website 0_0

That’s really cool! I actually find the thought of losing on the first click hilarious. The most experience I have with coding is one or two html projects back in 7th or so grade, so the fact that people can and do create stuff like this is mind-boggling.